Wacky Croco Gator NFT
How to Mint on Etherscan?
1. Click on 'mint on etherscan' to visit the contract page's write function.

Mint on Etherscan
2. Verify if you are on the correct contract. Wacky Croco Gator's smart contract address is: 0x5f6a758eF165cf2ac3355Cefd5B6227Ad70DF614
3. Click on 'connect to Web3' to connect your preferred crypto wallet.
4. Click on '2. mint' in the write contract section.
5. Enter the amount of eth to pay and the amount of NFT required. The pre-sale price is set at 0.0097 eth and public sale price is 0.025 eth.

So to mint one NFT you will have to check what sale is going on and sale price. If its public sale,  enter 0.025 in payableAmount and 1 in _mintAmount.

To mint 2 NFT, you will need to enter 0.05 in payableAmount and 2 in mintAmount and henceforth.
6. Click on 'write' button and wait for the wallet prompt to approve the transaction.
7. That's it. You are awesome! You are now the owner of Wacky Croco Gator NFT! You can now view and trade your collection on OpenSea.